Case Study: Triangle Manufacturing


Triangle Manufacturing in Mahwah, NJ

From small beginnings in a Rochelle Park garage more than 60 years ago, Triangle Manufacturing has grown into a 250-employee business occupying 107,000 square feet in Upper Saddle River, NJ. Partnering with global OEMs, Triangle is a leading provider of medical instrumentation and implantable devices.

The Problem

Triangle’s machining process generates approximately 62,500 gallons per year of waste machine coolant, air compressor condensate, floor scrubber water and parts washing water and rinse. With a hauling cost of $0.90/gallon, they were spending more than $56,000 a year! In an effort to be as “Green” as possible and to lower costs, Triangle has a mandate to reduce the amount of waste coolant leaving the plant.


The Solution

To meet the needs of operating multiple facilities on their campus and with an eye on future growth, two 35gph RunDry Evaporators™ were installed. They are designed to “run dry” which means all the water evaporates leaving only oil, solids and some concentrated coolant chemicals.

The Results

With the RunDry Evaporators™ installed, Triangle is now reaping the benefits. Set on auto-fill, the waste coolant feed tanks are continually refilled until each unit has processed 2,000 to 2,500 gallons of waste. At this point, the operator turns off the auto-fill and starts the process of running the evaporator dry.


The Savings

Triangle is making the world a better place now and for future generations with their streamlined, greener methods of manufacturing. In addition, the cost of evaporating the water at $0.08/gallon versus paying a hauler to take it away is resulting in a savings of $51,000.00 per year. It is a win-win solution!