Maybe you are wondering, what will my wastewater reduce to after the RunDry Evaporator™ process? Maybe you have general concerns about how your wastewater will evaporate. Will there be a problem with foaming or will the waste in the water make it hard to evaporate? How much volume of solids will I need to dispose of after the RunDry™ Evaporation process?
We do not want to leave you guessing, so we are offering a free test in our bench top RunDry Evaporator™. If you send us a gallon of your wastewater, we will put it through the RunDry™ process and send the results back to you in about a week. Fill out the form to request all the information necessary to proceed with this free bench test.

RunDry™ Technology boils off ALL the water leaving only oil and/or solids behind. This resulting sludge can usually go into your dumpster saving thousands off wastewater hauling costs.