RunDry Evaporators™ help our customers with thousands of waste streams and have satisfied clients across the US, Canada and Mexico with a variety of applications. We are the top manufacturer of wastewater evaporators, known for our cutting-edge solutions. This list shows some of the more common applications for RunDry Evaporators™.
- Acid Cleaners
- Alkaline Cleaners
- Machining Coolants »
- Grinding Fluids
- Die Casting Solutions »
- Aqueous Cleaners
- Dye Penetrant
- Heat-Treat Quench Waters
- Lapping Compounds
- Parts Washing »
- Phosphatizing
- Rinse Waters
- Stamping & Drawing Compounds
- Tube Forming
- Tumbling & Vibratory Solutions
- Wire Drawing Solutions
- Emulsified Oils
- cutting fluids
- Floor scrubbing water
- Pressure washer wastewater
Greenhouse Cultivation
Metal Finishing
- Acid Cleaners
- Alkaline Cleaners
- Electroless Plating Rinses
- Electroplating Rinses
- Etching Compounds
- Ion Exchange Regenerate
- Powder Coating
- Plating Rinses
- pre-treatment wastewater
- degreasing solvents
- Air Compressor Condensate
- Boiler Blow-Down
- Cooling Tower Blow-Down
- Floor Scrubber Water
- Machine Cleaning
- Engine Rebuild Cleaners & Coolants
- Floor Scrubber Waters
- Heavy Equipment Cleaning
- Pressure Wash
- Steam Cleaning
- Vehicle Wash Waters
- Waste-Oil Water Contamination
Scrap Metal Recycling
- Oily Water
- Steam Cleaning
- Storm Water Runoff
- Film Processing Waters
- Fixer/Developer Waste
- Fountain Wash
- Ink Vat Wash/Rinse
- Photo Process Rinses
- Water based inks
- Water based Paint
- Concentrate Stream
- Tube cleaning wash water
- Concentrate Stream
- Tube cleaning wash water
Reverse Osmosis
- Concentrate Stream
- Tube cleaning wash water
Ion exchange
- Regeneration Waste
Other Applications
- Chemical Vat Cleaning
- Gas-Line Waters
- Ethylene Glycol
- Propylene Glycol
- Nuclear Waste Wash Water
- Pharmaceuticals